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Grateful Hearts - 2 Week Thanksgiving Daily Devotions Bible Study

Grateful Hearts – Thanksgiving Daily Devotionals

Grateful Hearts - 2 Week Thanksgiving Daily Devotions Bible Study

Grateful Hearts – Thanksgiving Daily Devotionals

Hello, my wonderful mid-life ladies! Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner? It’s that special time of the year when we gather with loved ones, indulge in delectable feasts, and express our gratitude for the countless blessings in our lives.  So it’s the perfect time to start a 2-week Thanksgiving Daily Devotionals Bible reading.

Let’s be honest, amidst all the holiday hubbub, it’s quite easy to lose sight of the true essence of this beautiful season.  Right?  Here’s a little kick in the pants to get you on the right track.

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I’ve got something truly special for you – a 2-week Bible study plan with Daily Devotionals designed to help us immerse ourselves in gratitude, thankfulness, and the myriad of blessings that surround us.

So, grab your Bible, cozy up with a warm blanket, and enjoy your favorite cup of tea as we embark on this enriching journey together.

Week 1: A Grateful Heart

Monday – Start Your Day with Gratitude

Today, as we embark on our Thanksgiving Bible study journey, let’s start by immersing ourselves in gratitude. Begin your day with a heartwarming prayer, thanking God for the simple joys in life. It’s often the small blessings that touch our hearts the most. As you wake up, take a moment to appreciate the warmth of your bed, the sound of birds outside, and the opportunity to embrace a new day. Let’s enter this study with hearts ready to be molded by the spirit of thanksgiving.

Scripture of the Day: Psalm 118:24 (NIV) reminds us, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Tuesday – Count Your Blessings

Today, I encourage you to grab your journal and list at least five things you’re thankful for. These blessings can be as simple as your morning coffee, a heartwarming phone call from a friend, or the comforting presence of your family. Take a moment to reflect on how these blessings have enriched your life and brought you joy. As you write, you’ll begin to recognize the extraordinary beauty hidden within the ordinary moments of your life. Let’s embrace this simple practice to deepen our gratitude.

Scripture of the Day: Psalm 34:1 (NIV) reminds us to keep our hearts in a state of constant praise, “I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.”

Wednesday – Reflecting on Scripture

Turning to Psalm 100:4 (NIV), “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name,” today, let’s spend some time meditating on these words. How can you apply this verse to your daily life? Think about the “gates” and “courts” of your life – your home, your workplace, your community. How can you enter these spaces with an attitude of thanksgiving and praise? Perhaps it’s through sharing your gratitude with others or simply acknowledging the beauty that surrounds you each day.

Scripture of the Day: Psalm 100:4 (NIV) – “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.”

Thursday – Acts of Kindness

In the midst of our busy lives, it’s easy to overlook the impact of small acts of kindness. Today, let’s focus on performing these acts as an expression of our thankfulness. Whether it’s a friendly smile, a heartfelt compliment, or a helping hand to a neighbor, you’ll soon discover that giving is as enriching as receiving. As you go about your day, consider how these simple acts brighten not only the recipient’s life but also your own. Remember, it’s not just about what we receive but also about what we give. Embracing kindness is a wonderful way to manifest the spirit of thanksgiving.

Scripture of the Day: Galatians 6:9 (NIV) offers us a reminder, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Friday – Cultivating a Thankful Spirit

Grateful Hearts - 2 Week Thanksgiving Daily Devotions Bible StudyIncorporating gratitude into our daily conversations is a beautiful way to reflect our thankful hearts. Be mindful of how often you say “thank you” throughout your day, whether it’s to a colleague, a family member, or a complete stranger. Let people know that you genuinely appreciate them. It’s a wonderful practice that not only enriches your relationships but also spreads the spirit of thanksgiving to others. As you navigate your day, observe how your words reflect your heart’s gratitude.

Scripture of the Day: Colossians 3:17 (NIV) reminds us of the significance of our words, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Saturday – Time for Reflection

Saturdays are perfect for reflecting on your journey through the week. How has your experience been so far? What have you discovered about gratitude and thankfulness? It’s a day to pause, relax, and let your thoughts flow onto the pages of your journal. As you look back, you’ll find that even in the midst of your daily routine, the practice of thanksgiving has enriched your life in wonderful ways.

Scripture of the Day: Psalm 136:26 (NIV) invites us to celebrate the steadfast love of God, saying, “Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.”

Sunday – Rest and Worship

Sundays are a day for rest and worship. Whether you attend a local church service or find your place of worship in the beauty of nature, take this day to reflect on the message and give thanks for the spiritual nourishment you receive. As you participate in worship, let your heart swell with gratitude for the faith that guides your journey.

Scripture of the Day: Psalm 95:2 (NIV) calls us to worship with gratitude, “Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.”

Week 2: Finding Thanks in Every Season

Monday – Giving Thanks in All Circumstances

As we move into the second week of our Thanksgiving Bible study, let’s explore the profound wisdom found in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV): “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Today, let’s reflect on the meaning of this scripture and how we can apply it in our daily lives. Consider a recent challenging situation or a time when things didn’t go as planned. In what ways can you find reasons to be thankful even in those moments? Share your thoughts and insights in your journal as we embark on a journey of gratitude in every season.

Scripture of the Day: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV) – “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Tuesday – Reflection on Blessings

Take time today to ponder the most significant blessings in your life. Whether it’s the love of family, the support of friends, your health, or any other treasures close to your heart, make a list and consider the ways in which these blessings enrich your journey. To deepen your practice of gratitude, write a heartfelt letter of appreciation to someone who has been a blessing to you. This simple act of expressing your gratitude will not only brighten their day but also remind you of the profound beauty in your life.

Scripture of the Day: James 1:17 (NIV) reminds us, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

Wednesday – The Power of Prayer

Today, let’s dedicate extra time to prayer, focusing on thanksgiving. Pour your heart out to God, expressing your gratitude for His boundless love, grace, and provision. Through prayer, you’ll find a direct line to the source of your blessings. Take this opportunity to share your deepest thanks, your hopes, and your dreams with the Divine. As you pray, allow your soul to sing with thankfulness, knowing that you are heard and loved.

Scripture of the Day: Philippians 4:6 (NIV) reminds us not to be anxious, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Thursday – A Heart of Contentment

In the fast-paced world we live in, finding contentment can be a challenge. Take this day to find a quiet spot away from the hustle and bustle of life. Spend some time in silence, appreciating the moment as it is. Embrace the peace and joy that come from recognizing the beauty in the now. Allow your heart to be content with the present moment and the blessings it holds. In this simple act, you’ll discover that contentment is often a gateway to gratitude.

Scripture of the Day: Philippians 4:11 (NIV) reminds us, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”

Friday – Sharing Your Journey

Don’t keep your newfound gratitude to yourself. Encourage your friends and family to join you on this 2-week journey of thanksgiving. Share your experiences, Prayer Journaling - Discovering Inner Peace and Strength in Mid-Lifeinsights, and the blessings you’ve encountered. By inviting others to participate, you’ll create a beautiful ripple effect of gratitude in your lives and communities. You’ll also inspire others to seek the beauty in everyday moments.

Scripture of the Day: 1 Timothy 4:4-5 (NIV) teaches us that everything created is good and should be received with thanksgiving, “For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.”

Saturday – Acts of Giving

Saturdays are the perfect time to focus on acts of giving. Whether it’s donating to a charity, volunteering your time, or helping someone in need, the act of giving is a powerful expression of gratitude. As you perform these acts, pay close attention to the joy and fulfillment they bring to your heart. Share your experiences and feelings in your journal, and let the spirit of thanksgiving continue to flow.

Scripture of the Day: Luke 6:38 (NIV) reminds us, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Sunday – Rest, Reflect, and Worship

Sundays offer the perfect opportunity to rest, reflect, and worship. Whether you attend a local church service, find solace in nature, or create your sacred space for reflection, this day is dedicated to deepening your connection with your faith and expressing your gratitude for the spiritual nourishment you receive. As you participate in worship or reflection, let your heart swell with gratitude for the guiding light of your faith.

Scripture of the Day: Psalm 95:2 (NIV) calls us to worship with gratitude, “Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.” As you sing praises and seek solace in your place of worship, remember to give thanks for the immense love and guidance you receive.

Prayer Journal


Your 2-Week Thanksgiving Daily Devotionals Journey

As you embrace the tranquility of Sunday, take a moment to reflect on your 2-week journey. How has your perspective on gratitude and thankfulness evolved? What meaningful insights have you gained? Use this day to contemplate your experiences and how they’ve enriched your life, helping you find reasons to be thankful even in the most challenging moments. Celebrate your journey and the beauty of gratitude that you have cultivated over these 14 days.

It’s been an incredible journey of self-discovery, growth, and gratitude, and I hope you feel even more connected to the blessings in your life.

Remember, gratitude is not confined to a season or a specific time; it’s a way of life.

May your heart continue to be filled with thanksgiving, and may you share your newfound gratitude with others. This isn’t the end but the beginning of a lifelong practice of finding joy in every day and being grateful for all that life brings our way.

Before you go, I’d like to extend a heartfelt invitation for you to follow Mid-Life Livin’ on our Facebook and Instagram pages. We share daily inspiration, fun mid-life adventures, and so much more. Join our community, and let’s support one another on this incredible journey through mid-life. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you for joining me on this enriching journey, and I look forward to continuing to explore life’s blessings with you. Happy Thanksgiving, and may your heart be filled with gratitude, always.

Follow me on your favorite social media channel, or send me an email! ↓

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