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5 Decluttering Steps for Christmas Decorations

5 Easy Steps for Decluttering Christmas Decorations

5 Decluttering Steps for Christmas Decorations

5 Easy Steps for Decluttering Christmas Decorations

As we approach the holiday season, I invite you to join me on a mission to create some tranquility before our festive Christmas chaos.  Use these 5 Easy Steps for Decluttering Christmas Decorations that will make the post-holiday de-decorating easier, and you’re sure to feel better afterward!

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The art of decluttering your cherished Christmas treasures may seem like a daunting task, especially considering the emotional attachments we hold towards our ornaments and twinkling lights. However, fear not!

I’ll walk you through a comprehensive approach with easy-to-follow steps and examples for each section. So, let’s create space for the true joy of the season.

Step 1: The Ornament Odyssey

Before we delve into the practical steps, let’s take a moment to appreciate the significance of ornaments in our holiday traditions.

Each ornament carries with it a memory, a story, a moment frozen in time. Sorting through your ornaments in this step is not merely about decluttering; it’s a journey of creating a collection that best represents your holiday experiences.

As you consider each ornament, remember that letting go doesn’t diminish the memory; it merely paves the way for new moments to shine.

  • Cracked or Broken Ornaments: Bid farewell to ornaments that have seen better days. It’s time to let go of those ornaments that are no longer safe or functional.
  • Duplicates: Do you have multiple versions of similar ornaments? Keep the one that holds the most sentimental value and pass the extras along.
  • Outgrown or Outdated Ornaments: Styles change, and so do our tastes. If an ornament no longer aligns with your holiday aesthetic, consider finding it a new home.
  • Gifted or Handmade Ornaments: Often, we have ornaments given to us by our friends and family.  Some may be handmade and hold a special place in your heart, such as the ones your kids or grandkids made when they were young. It may be time to pass these treasures on to your loved ones.  Or you can choose to display the special ones as pieces of Christmas art using a beautiful ornament stand like this one.

How-To Steps:

    1. Create Sorting Categories: Designate piles for ‘Keep,’ ‘Donate,’ and ‘Discard.’
    2. Personal Reflection: Consider the emotional connection of each ornament. Does it bring joy or is it time to release it?
    3. Mindful Curation: Choose a specific number of ornaments to keep. This intentional approach ensures a clutter-free tree.

Decluttering Christmas Decorations in 5 Easy Steps (Pinterest)

Step 2: Taming the Twinkling Lights

Now, let’s tackle the often-dreaded task of untangling Christmas lights. As you work on this step, think about the transformation when those lights illuminate your tree. It’s not just about functionality; it’s about creating a visual masterpiece that radiates warmth and joy throughout your space.

  • Non-Functioning Lights: If a strand refuses to sparkle and it beyond repair, it’s time to bid it farewell.
  • Tangled and Unsalvageable: Some knots are just too stubborn. Don’t waste time; let go and treat yourself to new, hassle-free lights.  Use this Light Storage Organizer Bag when you put them away.  You’ll thank me next year!
  • Excessive Length: If your tree resembles Rockefeller Center, but you live in a cozy space, consider downsizing the length of your lights.

How-To Steps:

  1. Check Functionality: Test each strand to ensure all the lights are in working order.  Plug the lights in and if they aren’t working, use a Christmas Light Tester and Repair Kit to help find where the lights are failing.
  2. Organize by Length: Separate lights by size to easily determine which ones suit your tree.
  3. Invest in Storage Solutions: Consider using light organizers specifically designed for Christmas lights to prevent tangles next year.
  4. Use an Automated Outlet Timer:  Plug your tree and outside lights into an automated timer.  You’ll save electricity and a big hassle when plugging in and unplugging your lights each evening.

Step 3: Deck the Halls, Not the Clutter

The point of your holiday decor should be to create a festive feeling without overwhelming your space.

Before we dive into the practicalities of decluttering, let’s reflect on the purpose of our decorations. They are not just adornments; they are storytellers.

Your decorations set the stage for cherished moments with loved ones. As you assess each piece, consider the atmosphere you wish to create and let that guide your decisions.

I found this book to be helpful, and maybe you will too.

Making Space, Clutter Free:  The Last Book on Decluttering You’ll Ever Need.

 Worn or Faded Decor: Decorations that have seen too many seasons may lose their luster. It’s time to part ways.

  • Non-Coordinating Decor: If your decorations clash rather than complement, it’s time to make some tough choices.
  • Duplicate Decor Items: Every decor piece should have its moment to shine. Too many can create visual clutter.

How-To Steps:

  1. Create a Decor Inventory: Take stock of what you have, noting the condition of each item.
  2. Design a Theme: Choose a cohesive theme for your decorations to create a polished and intentional look.  Your theme could be certain color combinations, textures, or design elements.
  3. Donate or Recycle: Give gently-used decor items a second life by donating them or recycling those beyond repair.

Step 4: Streamlining Seasonal Knick-Knacks

Those holiday-themed knick-knacks add a whimsical touch to our homes, but there’s a delicate balance between detail and excess.

Before we explore the practical steps, think about the joy each knick-knack brings. Streamlining isn’t about sacrificing charm; it’s about accentuating it.

Valuable and especially sentimental items should be carefully packed away after Christmas.  Use a cushioned organizing tote like this one to help keep your items in pristine condition.

  • Dusty or Dirty Items: If a quick dusting doesn’t revive it, it’s time to let go.
  • Mismatched Sets: Sets should complement each other. If something feels out of place, it’s okay to break up the set.
  • Items Without Sentimental Value: Every knick-knack should tell a story or bring joy. If it doesn’t, it’s clutter.

How-To Steps:

  1. Arrange by Category: Group similar items together for a clearer visual assessment.
  2. Embrace Negative Space: Don’t feel the need to fill every surface. Negative space adds elegance and reduces clutter.
  3. Rotate Items Annually: If you have several items you want to keep, but you don’t have the space, only display a few items each year.  Keep things fresh by rotating your collection each year, highlighting different pieces.

Step 5: The Christmas Cleanse in Storage

As we approach the final step of our decluttering journey, let’s appreciate the role of storage in preserving the magic of our Christmas treasures.

Storage isn’t just about stashing items away; it’s about safeguarding the stories and memories attached to each piece.

Before we delve into the practicalities, consider the joy of rediscovering well-preserved decorations year after year.

  • Damaged Storage Containers: If your boxes have seen better days, it’s time to invest in sturdy replacements.
  • Unused or Excess Storage Bins: Only keep what you need. Unused bins take up valuable space.
  • Items Stored in Unreachable Spaces: Make sure your stored items are easily accessible. No need to create a holiday-themed obstacle course.

How-To Steps:

  1. Evaluate Storage Conditions: Ensure your storage area is clean, dry, and free from pests.
  2. Label Boxes Clearly: Avoid the guesswork next year by clearly labeling each box.
  3. Prioritize Accessibility: Store items you use more frequently in easily reachable places.

Wrapping Up Your Tranquil Decluttering Journey

Congratulations! You’ve successfully navigated the task of decluttering your Christmas treasures.

Take a moment to appreciate the newfound space and clarity in your holiday decor.

As you shop for gifts, envision the joy that a clutter-free home can bring to them.

Don’t forget to share your decluttering victories with the Mid-Life Livin’ community on Facebook and Instagram. Let’s inspire each other! 

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